September 19, 2009


Kemaren tampak super eksis dengan menyambangi dua acara buka puasa bareng, dengan dua geng berbeda.
This is what i wore yesterday. Anonymous plaid shirt and leg up, zara sneakers, wristwatch from swatch, and cheap handkerchief (as scarf).
As i told u it's been so damn hot recently. tapi alhamdulillah sampe hari terakhir ini puasa gw masih poll dan sehat wal'afiat aja...
Well, since today is the last day of Ramadhan 1430H, i'd like to say to all my loud & silent blog readers:

Happy Idul Fitri 1430H
Minal Aidin Wal Faizin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

September 18, 2009

#42: Batik

I looove Batik!
Actually, the idea came from one look of Dries Van Noten mens collection for S/S 2010. Dia sih ngga pake batik di koleksinya, tapi kemeja motif yg sepintas mirip batik yang dipadankan dgn shorts... Tadinya mau pake shorts juga, tapi berhubung ada rencana ke Rektorat lampus lama, gw urungkanlah niat show some skin itu,heheheh...


Last sunday outfit.
Cuaca masih panas edan, mana masih puasa lagi.
Beach shirtnya hadiah teman dari Bali dan jam tangan digital dari Casio. Instead of maen2 ke pantai, outfit ini gw pake buat siaran :)

September 12, 2009


Couple days ago, going to a wedding bash of a friend of my friend.
The party was held at a guest house with a swimming pool rite beside it. The venue was pretty good with the sky and stars as the rooftop.
Outfit yg gw pake kebetulan juga item lama, kecuali tiny black belt aja yg lumayan baru yang harganya dong CUMA Rp 10.000,- :)

September 5, 2009


Outfit berbuka puasa bersama teman-teman.
Why shorts? It's because the weather that noon was so hot and i couldn't stand if i wore jeans or trousers...
After spending quite many times to change some shirts, finally i picked this small checked blue shirt. Agak sedikit pusing karena harus menyesuaikan dengan chinese green flip-on yg dikasih temen gw. Bingung karena gw ga punya banyak baju yg berwarna hijau..

September 1, 2009

#38: Muslimin

Setelah tarawih di Mesjid dekat rumah :)
Koko dari PX2, Metro Dept. Store
Sarungnya gw lupa merknya. Tapi langsung suka saat pertama kali liat di manequin.


Tee from U2.
Last satnite, meeting my close friend. She'd just came back from holiday in China. We shared stories about our own recent holiday. Seperti biasa kita juga saling tuker2an oleh2... I gave her a yellow casual necklace (sorry, i forgot taking picture) ....and she gave me this......

Well, i dont really know whether it is for him or her... but i kinda love it! it seems sooooo China, heheheheh.