September 1, 2009


Tee from U2.
Last satnite, meeting my close friend. She'd just came back from holiday in China. We shared stories about our own recent holiday. Seperti biasa kita juga saling tuker2an oleh2... I gave her a yellow casual necklace (sorry, i forgot taking picture) ....and she gave me this......

Well, i dont really know whether it is for him or her... but i kinda love it! it seems sooooo China, heheheheh.


  1. nice flip u got there ego...xsabar mau lihat kamu mix and match it.. :)

  2. n@dea: alhamdulillah... rejeki tak kemana,heheheh
    mr.E: ngiler dan ngiri kan lo??? heheheh... mungkin lebih perfect klo lo yg pake kali, e. secara tampang pas gitu :)

  3. if a girl wears it.. it's for her la
    if u wears it.. it's definitely for guy la
    i guess the flip is unisex. haha!

  4. hahaha... i my self also dont really care la,jay.. as long as it's not hi-heels :)
